Impact of Low Temperature Storage and Frozen Litopenaeus vannamei Head Protein Hydrolysate Concentration on the Quality of Rice Bran Flour
Protein hydrolysates are proteins that undergo hydrolytic degradation with acids, bases, or proteolytic enzymes, resulting in amino acids and peptides. Protein hydrolysates have several uses in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Research shows that fish protein hydrolysates are used as food additives in soups, broths. Additionally, . Rice bran is a byproduct of rice milling derived from various rice varieties. It is the outer part of the grain, including a small portion of starchy endosperm. The acquisition of rice bran involves several stages in the rice milling process, initially obtained from brown rice with byproducts including husks and coarse bran. The functionality of rice bran flour is similar to that of wheat flour, with functional properties such as water solubility, water absorption, fat absorption, and others. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of adding rice bran flour at different volumes of frozen Litopenaeus vannamei head protein hydrolysate. The method used in this research is an experimental method using a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 3 replicates. Litopenaeus vannamei head protein hydrolysate, in volumes of 100 mL, 200 mL, and 300 mL, was added to 200 g of rice bran and stored at room temperature. The results of the study showed that the addition of rice bran at different volumes of Litopenaeus vannamei head protein hydrolysate stored at low temperatures affected the parameters of protein content, fat content, water content, carbohydrate content, pH, and yield, while the ash content parameter was not affected.
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