Concrete Building Beams Design Calculation Using the LRFD Method
beam calculation, simulation, Framework codeiginiter, LRFDAbstract
Development in building construction or reinforced concrete buildings continues to increase. Until now, most regions in Indonesia have a high level of vulnerability to natural disasters. Beams are included in the main structural components which are used to distribute loads to columns. Thus, quality checks on concrete must be carried out, such as flow tests and concrete strength tests carried out by the Quality Control section.
Beam calculations are currently done manually or using Microsoft Excel so it takes quite a long time just to do the calculations. By creating a website-based Concrete Building Block Calculation Simulation using the LRFD method based on SNI 2847:2013 article 10.3.5, the block calculation only takes a short time, so the remaining time can be used to make blocks according to the planned calculation results.
Creating this website-based simulation uses the CodeIgniter framework, CodeIgniter is a form of framework that utilizes the PHP language to support the website development process quickly and efficiently. The concrete building beam calculation simulation on this website refers to the bending conditions of a single reinforced square beam. Beam calculations on this website produce nominal moment values which are a reference that the calculations have met the requirements. If the calculation results for the nominal moment value meet the requirements, the calculation has been completed and can be continued for making beams of that size.
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